Food Yogi offering personal consultations

Food Yogi offering personal consultations

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The Food Yogi is offering personal one on one coaching at your home. I will personally train you to become a food yogi, including teaching you how to purchase foods, combine ingredients, plan meals and balance your diet. My time is limited, so first in first served. Message me on Facebook or fill in the form below. Pricing is on a case by case basis and is negotiable. I am also interested in service exchange (bartering). Hit me up if you’re interested.


Private consultations: $120 / hour

I will help you get your health back on track; reviewing your current diet, making the necessary adjustments and providing you the tools and knowledge to become the best you can.

Skype consultations: $95 / hour

From the convenience of your home, you can have the food yogi visit you and answer all your health and lifestyle questions (1 on 1).


Contact me for a private consultation

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