Category: Video

Take Our Survey and WIN a FREE SCHOLARSHIP

Take Our Survey and WIN a FREE SCHOLARSHIP

I am offering a FREE scholarship at the Food Yoga Academy.

All you have to do is take a quick survey that you can complete in less than 2-minutes!

And that’s it. You will be in the running to get full access to the Food Yogi level 1 Certification course.

This is the introductory course for food yoga and it includes many hours of video lessons and vegan recipe demonstrations. All students that complete the course will be awarded a printable certificate and a digital badge that they can proudly display on their online resume.

So don’t delay, do the survey now and be in the running.


Answer the following question in this short survey and you will be in the running to win a FREE scholarship at the Food Yoga Academy for the Level 1 Food Yogi Certification.

The survey should take no more than 2-minutes to complete. Don’t delay!

Create your own user feedback survey

The Living La Vida Vegan Summit is Live!

The Living La Vida Vegan Summit is Live!

Recently I was interviewed on the Living La Vida Vegan Summit and it was a great experience. I shared a lot of new information that I am sure you’ll love.

My friend, Stephanie Hutchinson, is on a serious mission to help people who are unhappy in their bodies LOVE the way they look and feel when eating an abundance of different foods and flavors.

She is directly fighting all the self-shame and self-loathing that women all over the world are facing by creating a FREE INTERVIEW series to help them you into your healthiest body yet – Living La Vida Vegan.

Click now to go check it out. I am one of 20 other health experts that were interviewed and the line up is rather awesome, including Dr. Joel Fuhrman, Dr. Will Tuttle, Osha Key, Torre Washington, Lorna McCormack, Rachel Black, and Mark Reinfeld to name just a few!


Paul Rodney Turner speaks at World Vegan Summit 2015

Paul Rodney Turner speaks at World Vegan Summit 2015

Talk by FFLG director, Paul Rodney Turner

Food for Life Global’s mission is NOT, “feeding the poor” but to UNITE the WORLD THROUGH PURE FOOD. This objective is universal and is based on the principle of spiritual equality as the ultimate solution to poverty and hunger. The inspiration behind Food for Life Global, Srila Prabhupada, told me and other volunteers that we should not discriminate and that our pure food should be liberally distributed. It is this unconditional and liberal sharing of pure food that serves to express (in action) that we love all living beings and that everyone is spiritually equal. Once we establish spiritual equality, we can effectively solve all material problems.

In Turner’s talk at the World Vegan Summit, he explained this concept and gave a summary view of the work Food for Life affiliates are doing all over the world.

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Food Yogi Interviewed on Sacred Space TV – Part 1

Food Yogi Interviewed on Sacred Space TV – Part 1

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This is part 1 of 4 parts of an interview I gave in Australia at the Melbourne Hare Krishna temple. Forgive the background noises, especially the occasional plane and coughing and kirtan, I did not realize at the time and boy I wish I had. There is one thing I misspoke in part 4. Correction: Male calves from the dairy industry are fed a LOW-iron diet to make them anemic and their flesh light color. However, on the video, I said, “High-iron diet.” oops.

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