Tag: Stephanie Hutchinson

The Living La Vida Vegan Summit is Live!

The Living La Vida Vegan Summit is Live!

Recently I was interviewed on the Living La Vida Vegan Summit and it was a great experience. I shared a lot of new information that I am sure you’ll love.

My friend, Stephanie Hutchinson, is on a serious mission to help people who are unhappy in their bodies LOVE the way they look and feel when eating an abundance of different foods and flavors.

She is directly fighting all the self-shame and self-loathing that women all over the world are facing by creating a FREE INTERVIEW series to help them you into your healthiest body yet – Living La Vida Vegan.

Click now to go check it out. I am one of 20 other health experts that were interviewed and the line up is rather awesome, including Dr. Joel Fuhrman, Dr. Will Tuttle, Osha Key, Torre Washington, Lorna McCormack, Rachel Black, and Mark Reinfeld to name just a few!