Tag: raw food

How to Make a Fancy Raw Vegan Cheesecake

How to Make a Fancy Raw Vegan Cheesecake

We all like to try something different and for those of you that have never ventured into raw cuisine, this is a nice place to start. This recipe is easy to make, so easy that you only need a decent food processor and a spring form pan. In fact, you don’t even need that, a regular glass pie baking tray will work too. There are a number of variations on this recipe, but this is the most basic. Keep in mind that this recipe uses coconut oil to help it set, however, this will only work best in cooler climates. To make this cheesecake set and cut nicely in warmer climates, you can adjust this recipe to add either 1/3 cup of cacao butter or a thickening agent like carrageenan (Irish moss) which is available in raw form or a powder in larger health food stores. Enjoy!


Easy Raw Vegan Cheesecake

  • 2 cups walnuts
  • 1 cup fresh dates
  • ½ cup dried coconut flakes
  • ¼ cup ginger, grated
  • 1 tsp cardamon powder
  • 2 cups cashews (soaked for 6 hours and drained)
  • 2 x whole lemons (remove skin and seeds)
  • ¾ cup agave syrup
  • ¾ cup coconut oil
  •  ¼ cup of cacao butter (if in a warmer climate) or 2 tsp. carrageenan powder
  • 1 x banana
  • ½ tsp. vanilla essence
  • 1 punnet strawberries
  • 1 tsp size piece of raw beetroot
  • 2 tsp. coconut syrup or honey
  • Superfood Concentrate (Univera Xtra)


Make everything with a food processor.


  • 2 cups of Walnuts
  • 1 cup fresh dates (or as many as needed to create biscuit crumb texture)
  • 1/2 grated coconut flakes
  • 1/4 cup grated ginger
  • 1 tsp. Cardamom powder (optional)

Process until it looks like biscuit crumbs. Press into 20 cm spring form pan .

Step 1: Process dry ingredients for base



Step 2: Mix just enough to make breadcrumb texture



Step 3: Press into a springform pan or pie baking tray


Step 4: Press carefully so it is even all around. Set aside.



Add 2 cups of soaked cashews, 2 whole lemons (remove skin and seeds), agave syrup, coconut oil, cacao butter, beetroot, banana, and Vanilla essence into a blender.

Process or blend until smooth. Pour into the base. Set in fridge for 2 hours.

Step 5: Add all ingredients for “cheese” filling


Step 6: Process until completely smooth. About 5 minutes. Set aside in fridge for at least 1 hour



  • Sliced strawberries, mango or passionfruit
  • Coconut or agave syrup
  • Coconut oil
  • Superfood concentrate like Univera Xtra

Drizzle a sweet syrup, like coconut syrup, agave nectar or honey over the top. Decorate the top with sliced strawberry or some other fruit.

Step 7: Process fresh strawberries with coconut oil and sweetener


Step 8: Add some superfood concentrate like Univera Xtra for extra nutrition



Step 9: Pour on cheesecakeRAWStrawberryCheesecakeFY-STEP8

Again set this aside in the fridge and serve when it has firmed up.

Enjoy the holidays!

– Paul, the food yogi

New FOOD YOGA DVD released

New FOOD YOGA DVD released

Priya, the Food Yogi has released a double disc set of Food Yoga. Disc 1 contains a 2-hour introduction to Food Yoga as described in his new book. Disc 2 is 2-hour demonstration of how to make raw gourmet delights using only a blender and a processor.

The workshop was filmed at the Witchie Woo Wellness bed and breakfast on Bribie island and was produced by Foxtail Productions using three digital cameras. The presentation is first-class with overhead close-ups of every recipe. “The reviews for the new DVD have been wonderful,” says Priya Vrata. “I look forward to doing a follow up DVD with more recipes and sharing more information about the path of food yoga.”

His book, FOOD YOGA – Nourishing the Soul has received rave reviews from vegan celebrities like Victoria Moran, who says the book should be a “must-read for anybody who’s ever held a fork,” as well as Australian kirtan legend, Sri Prahlad, “FOOD YOGA provides a moment of rest to catch our breath, reflect, and gain clarity. Priya Vrata’s extensive knowledge drawn from both traditional and scientific sources provides insights into the physical, social, emotional, and spiritual nurturing provided when food is engaged with consciously.”

Topics covered in Disc 1 include:

  • Metaphysics of food
  • Sacred Foods and Alchemy
  • Sacred Geometry of Food
  • The importance of water
  • Food Politics
  • Spiritual Hospitality
  • The 10 Characteristics of a Food Yogi
  • Food Offering Meditation
  • Conscious Eating

Recipes presented in Disc 2 include:

  • Healthy smoothies
  • Raw vegan cheesecakes
  • Seed pates
  • Wraps
  • Nut milk
  • Raw nut “cheese” , etc.

Purchase your copy of the FOOD YOGA double disc set for only $40 (plus shipping):

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Electro-CocoBanana Smoothie

Electro-CocoBanana Smoothie

The Electro-CocoBanana Smoothie is a great way to start the day. Packed with electrolytes, Anti-oxidents, and alkalising superfoods. It is vegan, low fat and zero cholesterol. To get more recipes like this, check out my new book, FOOD YOGA.

[kad_youtube url=”http://www.youtube.com/embed/h7brM16TrKs” width=600 ]


Food Hero Holds Workshops

Food Hero Holds Workshops

SOURCE: Caboolture News, Queensland

Priya Vrata has published a book Food Yoga – nourishing the soul about the benifits of raw food both physically and 
spiritually. Photo Vicki Wood
INTERNATIONAL food yoga hero Yogi Priya Vrata (Paul Turner) – recently conducted two food yoga workshops on Bribie Island at the Witchie Woo Wellness B & B.

Leesa Petfield | 14th February 2012: INTERNATIONAL food yoga hero Yogi Priya Vrata (Paul Turner) – recently conducted two food yoga workshops on Bribie Island at the Witchie Woo Wellness B & B.

Paul said he received positive feedback from both workshops. Some pupils said it was the most positive thing that had happened to them this year. All participants learnt the science of food yoga and were treated to a two-hour gourmet raw food demonstration.

Paul is the international director of Food for Life and the director of Food for Life Global, the charity’s world headquarters. Food for Life is the largest plant-based food relief organisation in the world. The project is in more than 50 countries and serves up to two million meals daily.

Paul’s journey began when he left home at 19. He lived in a commune in Sydney’s Blue Mountains where he was introduced to the fundamentals of Indian cooking by Akrura das, a former Hare Krishna monk. The experience ignited a desire in Paul to one day become a temple chef.

Paul said he was always fascinated with karma and spirituality, so he joined the Krishna ashram in NSW and become a monk. During his time as a monk Paul said he learned the art of gourmet vegetarian cooking.

In 1986 Paul started a Food for Life club and in 1989 his food yogi journey took him to the Hunter Valley region where he started a new Food for Life program. Paul soon realised that food was a wonderful communicator. Travelling to over 54 countries over the next 25 years, Paul helped to inspire and set up new Food for Life projects and train volunteers. Paul said his travels took him to three war zones – Chechnya, Bosnia and Georgia. He led an international team of volunteers to set up makeshift kitchens in villages across Sri Lanka in response to the Asian tsunami.

In 2010 Paul directed an international relief effort in Haiti where Food for Life Global served thousands of organic vegan meals to devastated Haitians.

In 2011 Paul travelled to Japan and established a feeding program for the survivors of the tsunami.

Paul said he had conducted workshops all over the world, directing the journey for food and using food to connect people. He now has several books published and two more books in the making. Readers can download the eBook from www.FOODYOGI.ORG ($9.95) or pick up a softcover at Witchie Woo Wellness B&B, 10 Eighth Ave, Woorim.

For more information on Paul’s food yoga checkout – www.foodyogi.org

SOURCE: Caboolture News

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FOOD YOGA at St Kilda Festival

FOOD YOGA at St Kilda Festival

Standing room only for the Food Yoga workshop

Melbourne, Sunday, 12-2.-2012 — Over 70 people attended the Food Yoga workshop at the St Kilda festival in Melbourne’s Catani Gardens. During the workshop, Priya Vrata (the “Food Yogi”) demonstrated raw food recipes from his new book FOOD YOGA – Nourishing the Soul book. Participants could hardly wait to buy the new book. During the presentation, Priya touched upon a few of the key messages in the book, including the 5 keys to optimum health: Resonating to Phi (fivenesss) by reconnecting to the 5 basic elements, Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Ether. To learn more about this system, download the latest version of the ebook now for only $9.95 [paid-downloads id=”4″]

FOOD YOGI workshop on Bribie Island (29 Jan)

FOOD YOGI workshop on Bribie Island (29 Jan)

Australian born, Priya Vrata (aka the FOOD YOGI), director of Food for Life Global is currently on a tour presenting FOOD YOGI workshops. The 1 – 3 day workshops present the philosophy of Food for Life as it relates to food choices, lifestyle, respect for nature and spirituality. The presentation is based on notes from Food Yogi’s book, FOOD YOGA – Nourishing the Soul a 320 page manifesto of the Food Yogi lifestyle with a specific emphasis on introducing a Food Offering Meditation. [paid-downloads id=”4″] (eBook $9.95) The idea behind the book was inspired by the founder of ISKCON, Swami Prabhupada, who said that “everyone should get a chance to take prasadam…” He believed strongly that through the liberal distribution of prasadam the whole world could become peaceful and prosperous.” Prasadam is a Sanskrit word that means mercy, and specifically refers to food that has been prepared with loving intention and then offered in love to God. The meaning of Swami Prabhupada’s statement is that clean, non-violent foods that are prepared with loving intention have the ability to unite people in a loving bond. We’ve all had experience of this when we’ve sat down to a meal prepared with love on festive days. Because food is the most basic necessity of life it behooves us to honor the blessing of having food on our table, and even more importantly making sure that everyone else has food as well. This can only happen when we genuinely feel compassion and respect for all living beings and it is this universal respect that is fundamental to a Food Yogi lifestyle. The purpose of the Food Yogi course is to introduce students to the culture of spiritual hospitality and the importance of food on their spiritual journey. Students learn how to achieve optimum health by practicing the Food Yogi diet and lifestyle, which includes, what to eat, when to eat, water therapy, a food offering meditation, conscious eating and raw food demonstrations. The Food Yoga workshop covers a variety of subjects, including:

  • Metaphysics of food
  • Sacred Foods and Alchemy
  • Sacred Geometry of Food
  • The importance of water
  • Food Politics
  • Spiritual Hospitality
  • The 10 Characteristics of a Food Yogi
  • Food Offering Meditation
  • Conscious Eating
Sunday, January 29 · 10:30am – 3:00pm

Witchie Woo Wellness B & B 10 Eighth ave Woorim, Bribie Island. Australia

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