Tag: fever

Natural Cure for Hay Fever

Natural Cure for Hay Fever


I remember the day well. It was around Christmas time in 1988 and my brother had a severe case of hay fever. His eyes were puffy and he could not stop sneezing. There was nothing I could do to help and he felt helpless. Nothing prescribed by the doctor was working either. He then turned to an old herbal remedy book and found a paragraph suggesting that scotch thistle, also known as scots thistle or cotton thistle could help alleviate hay fever symptoms. He decided to give it a try.

We just happened to be in the countryside near cow pastures and the weed was growing everywhere. He cut 4 flowers of the spiky bush and added it to a pot of boiling water. He let the herb steep and cool down and then drank the entire pot. Nothing happened at first, but then within an hour or so his sneezing slowed down and his eyes cleared. By the next day, not only had this tea cured all symptoms, but his hay fever never returned!

Based on this experience and some other friends of ours that tried the same, I became convinced that scotch thistle most certainly can help cure hay fever. The weed is typically ignored by most people as useless, but it has a long history of natural medicine and even modern pharmacology as a plant containing a chemical that can stimulate the heart.

Scotch thistle is indigenous to almost all of Europe, with the exception of the far north, the plant was introduced to North America. In anthroposophical medicine, it is used as a cardiac stimulant (Reference: PDR for Herbal Medicines, 2nd ed., p.678).

Scotch thistle (Onopordum) is also used in Cordiodoron Tablets

Give this remedy a try and let me know how it goes.


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