Category: Articles on Food Yoga

How I remained celibate for 14 Years and the Solution to a Peaceful World

How I remained celibate for 14 Years and the Solution to a Peaceful World

I’ve given hundreds of public lectures about my humanitarian work over the years in over 60 countries. Usually, I focus on the social impact our volunteers have made, including the enormous amount of meals served by these selfless souls. The statistics never fail to impress but at the Vegfest in Brazil in 2018 I decided to focus on the why rather than the what.

I boldly broached the topic with the somewhat sensational title: A former monk shares an inside secret. Right out of the gate I talked about the fact that during the prime years of my life 19 – 33 I lived the life of a celibate monk, this includes sleeping on the floor without a pillow, taking cool showers; only eating at regulated times of the day, and of course, abstaining from sex and all the typical hedonistic things young men do. How did I succeed? The shocking answer is that I learned how to control the urges of the tongue.

My spiritual teacher often told us, “Spiritual life begins with the tongue.” I later clarified that statement by asserting that

“Evolution of consciousness begins when one masters the tongue.”

According to the yoga tradition, the tongue has two functions: tasting and vibrating, so what you speak and what you eat dramatically impacts your level of awareness.

I go into great detail in my book, FOOD YOGA to prove this point, citing scientific research as well as references from the yogic tradition and of course my personal example speaks volumes. Even if you don’t accept my references, my experience is my experience and I know for a fact that through controlling the tongue it enabled me to be successful in controlling the sex urge and living a peaceful and stress-free life.

But getting back to the why does Food for Life Global only serve plant-based meals cooked with loving intention? It is because when food is prepared with a loving consciousness it has incredible power to transform the consciousness of those that eat it. And in this way, not only is Food for Life Global feeding stomachs, it is directly impacting the mood and awareness of our recipients to bring about a more peaceful and loving world.

The bottom line is, hunger is not a result of a lack of food. Hunger is directly related to the fact that the bulk of humanity has a selfish and divisive consciousness and thus the resources of the world are not equitably shared.

That day that every living thing is honored equally as an integral participant in the play of life, wherein all things are valued for their unique contribution and viewed as essential and not disposable, then and then only can we have peace and prosperity for all and social anomalies like hunger will cease to exist.

Take Our Survey and WIN a FREE SCHOLARSHIP

Take Our Survey and WIN a FREE SCHOLARSHIP

I am offering a FREE scholarship at the Food Yoga Academy.

All you have to do is take a quick survey that you can complete in less than 2-minutes!

And that’s it. You will be in the running to get full access to the Food Yogi level 1 Certification course.

This is the introductory course for food yoga and it includes many hours of video lessons and vegan recipe demonstrations. All students that complete the course will be awarded a printable certificate and a digital badge that they can proudly display on their online resume.

So don’t delay, do the survey now and be in the running.


Answer the following question in this short survey and you will be in the running to win a FREE scholarship at the Food Yoga Academy for the Level 1 Food Yogi Certification.

The survey should take no more than 2-minutes to complete. Don’t delay!

Create your own user feedback survey

You and I are Brilliant

You and I are Brilliant

“I used to be conceited once but now I know I’m brilliant” – Rodney Turner

LOL, my dad (Rodney Turner) was a character, always the joker and always the one to say something outrageous, however, sometimes he spoke some gems. In all seriousness, the above statement taken literally is outrageous, pompous and a little cheeky but when we understand our true nature as souls the statement get some legs. You see, all of us from the single cell organism to biologically complex humans are essentially souls having a physical experience and what is the nature of the soul? It is as brilliant as the sun and it “illuminates the entire body by consciousness,” says Krishna in the classic scripture known as the Bhagavad-gita.

My father may not have understood the spiritual significance of his comically-motivated statement during his physical presence here on earth but I’m sure he did when he had to leave his body at death.

Death is our greatest teacher with old-age a close second. Both of which provide clues to our true eternal nature as a soul. As we age, things start to break down or stop working the way they used to. As young men, we are motivated by sex and our body responds accordingly.  But, as we get older, sex is not as motivational as it once was and our aging bodies comply. The same can be said of our voracious appetites as teenagers. I remember well how much food I could easily digest in one sitting, whereas now at age 54 I have to be more mindful of how much my stomach can digest.

Wrinkles, reduced vision, hearing, and memory are all reminders (clues) that this body (temple) we call “home” is on borrowed time and at any time it can be taken away and we will be forced to evacuate and move to another physical shell. Unless of course, we are successful in raising our awareness to such a state that we are fully detached from this material world and purified of the ensnaring desires of lust, greed, and anger. Then, according to the Bhagavad-gita, we can transcend the bond of material nature and move into the higher spiritual frequencies.

The fact is, as souls, we are truly brilliant in all aspect, for just as a spark has the same quality as fire, we as a soul have the same qualities as the Creator, only in smaller quantity. It may take us many thousands of physical bodies to awaken to this truth but eventually, our ultimate success is assured. My dad, in all his quirkiness, was actually onto something and it is one of the fondest memories I have of him. He would often say this after potting a ball on the pool table and his natural confidence rubbed off on me, however, it was not until many years later when I decided to become a monk that his statement revealed its true worth.

Thanks, dad.

PS. In my latest book, SOUL POWER I go into great detail about our true nature as souls. Get your copy here.


Food Yoga Level 2 open for enrollment

Food Yoga Level 2 open for enrollment

The Food Yoga Academy is now offering Food Yogi level 2 certification, however, students will have first completed level 1 to be eligible.

The Food Yogi Level 2 Certification will dive deeper into the art and science of food yoga, providing much more information, case studies, and realizations, which will equip students with a thorough understanding of the science.

Students will receive both a PDF certificate they can hang on their wall, as well as a digital badge they can proudly display on their online resume, website and social media pages.

Once students have completed both levels they are then eligible for Food Yoga Master training where they will be invited to spend a week with me in Colombia at Juliana’s Animal Sanctuary and retreat.

I have really enjoyed taking this course. It has been very interesting and has given me a lot of ideas for strategies I wish to incorporate into my daily life. – Gail Hollingsworth

I didn’t expect so much information on energy, physics, sacred geometry… and I absolutely loved it! Eating apples became a very different experience since then. Paul’s interview in the beginning of the course and Mathew Bates’ testimony at the end were incredible, and provided both a great introduction and a great conclusion to the entire course. – Ana

To learn more about the Food Yoga Academy visit


Food Yogi Certification Level 1 – Enrollment open

Food Yogi Certification Level 1 – Enrollment open

The Food Yoga Academy, the brainchild of International director of Food for Life, Paul Rodney Turner (aka Priyavrata das) has officially launched.

The Academy’s first course is Food Yogi Certification Level 1, where students can learn the fundamentals of the food yoga lifestyle and how to enrich their lives through conscious eating and devotion. Based on the teachings of his book, FOOD YOGA – Nourishing Body, Mind & Soul, students will learn the art and science of eating with consciousness and compassion to provide a framework to elevate the act of eating from the dry and mundane to a soul-satisfying experience.

In this introduction to Food Yoga, Turner lays out the 10 fundamental truths.

Students will learn about the more subtle aspect of food and how to achieve optimum health by practicing the Food Yogi diet and lifestyle, which includes, what to eat, when to eat, water therapy, detoxing and the sacred geometry of wholefoods.

The courses will also include raw vegan food demonstrations, including smoothies, pates and crackers, cheesecakes, and soups, etc.

Students will be tested at the end of the course to earn their certification.


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“This Level 1 course gives the fundamentals of the prasadarian lifestyle,” says Turner. “However, in Level 2 we will dive deep into all the details of preparing food with love in order to nourish the mind and spirit.

His book food yoga was a direct response to the inspiration behind Food for Life, Srila Prabhupada who said that “Everyone should get a chance to take prasadam*.”

“I realized that we had to empower people with the knowledge of prasadam but in order to do that I had to build a framework for understanding. The book, therefore, takes the reader on a journey of first discovering how food and thoughts are energy and I present scientific proof to back these statements,” he explains.

The Food Yoga Certification Level 1 is available now for $97, however, a special limited launch discount is being offered to the first 100 students with the coupon code: 50yoga2018

[button_1 text=”ENROL%20NOW” text_size=”32″ text_color=”#000000″ text_bold=”Y” text_letter_spacing=”0″ subtext_panel=”N” text_shadow_panel=”Y” text_shadow_vertical=”1″ text_shadow_horizontal=”0″ text_shadow_color=”#ffff00″ text_shadow_blur=”0″ styling_width=”40″ styling_height=”30″ styling_border_color=”#000000″ styling_border_size=”1″ styling_border_radius=”6″ styling_border_opacity=”100″ styling_shine=”Y” styling_gradient_start_color=”#ffff00″ styling_gradient_end_color=”#ffa035″ drop_shadow_panel=”Y” drop_shadow_vertical=”1″ drop_shadow_horizontal=”0″ drop_shadow_blur=”1″ drop_shadow_spread=”0″ drop_shadow_color=”#000000″ drop_shadow_opacity=”50″ inset_shadow_panel=”Y” inset_shadow_vertical=”0″ inset_shadow_horizontal=”0″ inset_shadow_blur=”0″ inset_shadow_spread=”1″ inset_shadow_color=”#ffff00″ inset_shadow_opacity=”50″ align=”center” href=””/]

To learn more, visit

* Prasadam: Pure plant-based food that has been offered to God with devotion.


Pre-register for the Food Yoga Academy and Get a 50% discount

Pre-register for the Food Yoga Academy and Get a 50% discount

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For a limited time only I am offering a special 50% discount code for those interested in pre-registering for the Food Yoga Academy. You do not even have to pay anything at this time. Just express your interested by providing your name and email and you’ll get the discount code!


[button_3 text=”get-early-bird-access.png” align=”center” href=””/]


Food Yoga and Jiva Mukti Yoga Retreat in Colombia

Food Yoga and Jiva Mukti Yoga Retreat in Colombia

Go on the retreat of a lifetime. Practice Jivamukti TM Yoga with certified teacher and co-founder of the Buddha B TM Yoga Center Valerie Grange, learn about making compassionate food choices and Food Yoga from Paul Rodney Turner the Food Yogi, and meet all of the amazing animals on Juliana’s Animal Sanctuary in the majestic Andes Mountains of Columbia.


Paul is a food yogi and Juliana is a healer
Paul is a food yogi and Juliana is a healer

Dates: Arrival/Check-In: Sunday, October 25th, 2015 Departure/Check-Out: Sunday, November 1st, 2015

Price: $995+tax/Person
This one week escape will include:
  • Transportation to and from the Bogota International airport to hotel in Chia.
  • All Accommodations (double occupancy) in Chia, including last night in Bogota before departure.
  • 3 Meals A Day + Snacks (during food workshops & demos).
  • Daily, 2-hour Jivamukti All-level (OPEN) Yoga classes with Valerie Grange.
  • Daily Food Workshops and Food Demos with tastings on ‘How to Become a Food Yogi’ with Paul Rodney Turner.
  • Meeting and Greeting sanctuary founder Juliana Castaneda and sanctuary director Ekala and all of the rescued animals on Juliana’s Animal Sanctuary including dogs, cats, rabbits, Gita the cow, Balaram the bull also known as “gentle giant”, Pola the “freedom-fighting pig” and Perla their new little piglet.
  • Option to Volunteer on the Sanctuary and help the animals.

FoodYoga-Academy200Spaces are limited to only 12 registrations, so Sign-up today!

  • Flights Travel Insurance (flight/transportation/luggage/medical)
  • Passport Visas (if required)
  • Pre-Arrival/Departure transportation
  • Alcoholic Beverages
  • Tips/Gratuities


Food Yogi Interviewed on Sacred Space TV – Part 1

Food Yogi Interviewed on Sacred Space TV – Part 1

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This is part 1 of 4 parts of an interview I gave in Australia at the Melbourne Hare Krishna temple. Forgive the background noises, especially the occasional plane and coughing and kirtan, I did not realize at the time and boy I wish I had. There is one thing I misspoke in part 4. Correction: Male calves from the dairy industry are fed a LOW-iron diet to make them anemic and their flesh light color. However, on the video, I said, “High-iron diet.” oops.

Food Yogi presenting at the World Vegan Summit in LA

Food Yogi presenting at the World Vegan Summit in LA

rawicecreamBALIThe World Vegan Summit is fast becoming the “go to” event in the USA, featuring some of most influential and inspiring vegan activists, chefs, writers, athletes and celebrities, all coming together for one purpose — to raise awareness and educate the public about the health, environmental, and spiritual benefits of a vegan diet.

I have been invited to talk on Food Yoga and demonstrate some raw vegan snacks and will be presenting on Sunday, March 22 at 12-1pm in the Sinder Lounge.

Come and join me, get a signed copy of my book and enjoy some raw vegan chocolate mint ice cream and vegan brownies!

When: Friday March 20 – Sunday March 22, 2015

Venue: Marina del Rey Marriott • 4100 Admiralty Way, Marina del Rey, CA 90292

WorldVeganSummitLOGOSomeone has to save the planet, billions of innocent animals, and humanity from hunger, disease, war, violence, and climate change – and it won’t be the people telling you to eat “humane”, free-range, cage-free, organic, grass-fed “meat”, dairy, fish, and eggs…It WILL be the people attending the Los Angeles area WORLD VEGAN SUMMIT & EXPO…where speakers, thinkers, movers, and shakers will meet to focus advocacy and activism on creating a compassionate, healthy, environmentally-sustainable VEGAN world, with the abolition of all use of other animals for food, clothing, entertainment, experimentation, and (impossibly unattainable) “humane animal products”.  Join us for speakers, presentations, workshops, socials, music, film, food, and fun!

Learn more at

Foster the People receive FOOD YOGA and a vegan lunch

Foster the People receive FOOD YOGA and a vegan lunch

Mark Pontius and Phil Danyew from Foster the People are in Colombia to perform at the famous Festival Estereo Picnic along with other big names like Jack White and Damian Marley. Mark and Phil dropped by Juliana’s Animal Sanctuary to meet with the rescued animals and enjoy a vegan lunch.

I made a Quinoa vegetable curry, baked potatoes, cauliflower buffalo wings with hot sauce, and delicious mango, spinach, avocado salad. The boys relished the lunch as we talked about the work of Food for Life and Juliana’s Sanctuary. They were interested to learn about my experience as a monk and what it means to be a food yogi. Mark and Phil shared their musical journey and how they go to where they are now and then walked around the farm to meet all the animals here. Mark and Phil were amazed at how big Balarama, our resident ox is and yet also how peaceful and gentle he is.


They both fed the horse and the cow and ox and then we visited all the dogs who loved the new visitors. A highlight of their visit was the new bunny. They both melted to see such a lovely and cute little animal snuggle up to them. Phil was particularly taken by the bunny and we got some great photos of him with the bunny. Mark and Phil then made a short endorsement video for the sanctuary, encouraging people to visit and support the project. We are so appreciative of this.


Next, we went inside and enjoyed a vegan tiramisu made by my wife, Juliana. Mark and Phil invited me, Juliana and her sister, Dana to their concert tomorrow, so we look forward to seeing them again. I then presented Mark and Phil with copies of my books, Food Yoga, and The 5 Noble Truths.

Mark is a new vegan and has been interested in animal welfare and meditation for a long time. He was genuinely touched by the charity work, my wife and I are doing and look forward to visiting again.