Paul Rodney Turner speaks at World Vegan Summit 2015

Paul Rodney Turner speaks at World Vegan Summit 2015

Talk by FFLG director, Paul Rodney Turner

Food for Life Global’s mission is NOT, “feeding the poor” but to UNITE the WORLD THROUGH PURE FOOD. This objective is universal and is based on the principle of spiritual equality as the ultimate solution to poverty and hunger. The inspiration behind Food for Life Global, Srila Prabhupada, told me and other volunteers that we should not discriminate and that our pure food should be liberally distributed. It is this unconditional and liberal sharing of pure food that serves to express (in action) that we love all living beings and that everyone is spiritually equal. Once we establish spiritual equality, we can effectively solve all material problems.

In Turner’s talk at the World Vegan Summit, he explained this concept and gave a summary view of the work Food for Life affiliates are doing all over the world.

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